Amtrak’s Busiest Day 2012
The Sunday after Thanksgiving is Amtrak’s busiest day. In order to meet the peak demand that returning holiday travelers creates Amtrak borrows equipment from various commuter agencies. This creates some incredibly rare catches. I went out to catch the action.
First, there were a ton of regular Amtrak trains running.
Then the commuter stuff showed up. Seeing MARC equipment at the Martin State station isn’t weird. Seeing it with an Amtrak cafe car tacked on is.
Back to the Amtrak equipment for an Acela and a northbound long-distance train.
Then a REAL surprise showed up: an NS local. Being a Sunday, and being a really busy passenger day, this was the last thing I was expecting to catch.
Then it was back to almost regular Amtrak for a while.
Then came some southbounds.
Then more northbounds.
And more southbounds.
And finally, in the waning hours of light, the real stars I was after in quick succession.