Since we shouldn’t be going out I’ve been going through some photos from my photo library that I took over ten years ago. Here are a few.
Quick Grab at Enola
I had some business up in Harrisburg which involved giving my dad a quick tour of the area. Of course we had to swing by The Iron Bridge.
Took a break from working on The CRHS Archives for the MGA Heritage Unit
We had our first organized work session on The CRHS’s archives back in August. Luckily, the NS Pittsburgh Line is right next to the facility where we were working, so we could take a quick break when the Monongahela Heritage Unit showed up.
Quick Stop in Harrisburg, November 2014
I was in Harrisburg recently to help a friend move. He offered BBQ and railfanning in exchange. I thought it was a fair trade.
February 2014 Trip To Harrisburg
My new camera hardware re-energized my desire to go out and railfan. It’s amazing the difference a single lens will have, but the sharpness of the stuff I was shooting now really made me want to go out and shoot more. So, with that in mind, I rounded up the troops: my friends Steve, Sean and Chris and Chris’s daughter (who is actually way better of a railfan companion than some adults I’ve met) and headed off to Harrisburg for a day out in the snow.
January 2011 CRHS BoD Meeting Weekend
The CRHS has an annual Board of Directors meeting somewhere in the Horseshoe Curve area. This weekend, while full of serious, important business, also tends to involve a bunch of Railfanning too.
March 2009 Harrisburg Trip
A few photos from a trip to Harrisburg in March 2009.
CRHS Rail-B-Q May 2008
I was back in Harrisburg a second time in May, this time during the CRHS Rail-B-Q. In 2008, we still saw lots of Conrail stuff too, making it an even better time.
Harrisburg, May 2008
The 2008 found me in Harrisburg a lot. This was a productive day out trackside.