I last saw a Conrail unit “in the wild” not quite ten years ago in 2011. Fittingly enough, it was in the place I remember visiting when I was a kid and that was instrumental in instilling my love of Conrail in me: Pavonia Yard in Camden NJ.
Quarantine Retrospective: 2009
Since we shouldn’t be going out I’ve been going through some photos from my photo library that I took over ten years ago. Here are a few.
April 2015 Philly Trip
I grew up, and learned how to railfan in Philadelphia. Every once in a while I get a chance to go back and checkout my old haunts. This spring, I got a chance to do that with some friends and show them around the city that was so formative.
My Last Blue Leader On Video
The big excitement at the 2013 CRHS BoD meeting was the appearance of a still-blue SD50 on the head of a slab train. I decided this was a perfect thing to catch on video.
Summer 2012 Trip to Philly
Philadelphia contains a tangle of rail lines, and a ton of Railroad history. These photos come from a one day trip to show some of my Baltimore and Harrisburg friends some of the great stuff Philly has to offer. Ironically, we saw lots of things, but I don’t think we caught a single moving train all day.
A Pair of Blue SD60Is in Enola
NS has a pool of former Conrail SD60Is assigned to coal trains for PP&L’s Strawberry Ridge plant. There was a time when they weren’t all wearing NS black, and that wasn’t actually that long ago. It was incredibly lucky catching a pair of blue ones together though, so they definitely warranted pulling over for.
March 2009 Harrisburg Trip
A few photos from a trip to Harrisburg in March 2009.
A Couple of Chases During the August 2008 CRHS Rail-B-Q
NS gave us quite a show during the August 2008 CRHS Rail-B-Q. They sent us a couple of Conrail leaders, which meant we had to go lay chase.
CRHS Rail-B-Q May 2008
I was back in Harrisburg a second time in May, this time during the CRHS Rail-B-Q. In 2008, we still saw lots of Conrail stuff too, making it an even better time.