Shortline scenes around York PA, October 2016
I was in York the day before a larger railfanning trip and got a chance to see some of the local sights.
Our first stop was NS’s Windsor St Yard, which happens to be the subject of my model railroad and also functions as somewhat of a hub for York operations.
We caught the East Penn’s geep picking up its interchange.

A little bit of later exploring took us to the west side of town where we posted up at the Frito Lay plant to catch the westbound Yorkrail job blowing through. He was moving at a good clip and it must’ve been an exciting trip for the conductor hanging onto the last car! This might be my last catch of a working YKR CF-7, so I’m glad we were there when we were.
Speaking of Yorkrail / MA&PA heritage. We caught M&P 84 sitting trackside awaiting its fate.