The 2017 N Scale Enthusiast convention was held at the Station Square Sheraton in Pittsburgh, providing a great base of operations for some railfanning around the convention activities. In addition to rail photos, I also took a few of the city.
Steel Mill
Pittsburgh, Fall of 2016
My friend Ben, who I’ve mentioned a number of times here is a Pittsburgh boy. Consequently, when contemplating railfanning trip destinations, the Steel City frequently comes up. When planning a trip for the fall of 2016, he wanted to show off more of the city he loves, and especially the Conemaugh Line he’s planning to model.
Patapsco and Back River Back When There Was a Patapsco and Back River
The story of Sparrows Point’s decline and eventual destruction is a sad one. I feel that it’s made even sadder for me because some cool stuff seemed pretty accessible, but I never took advantage of it. These are a few photos I took from a trip over there back in 2011.