Watching John Pechulis Media’s Big Mike videos kindled an interest in the Lehigh Valley. Luckily, my friend Rudy is a bit of a subject matter expert, and Good Friday 2017 provided Ben and I the perfect opportunity to go explore (and eat our way through) the area.
Foreign Power
Shaking Off Some Cabin Fever in March of 2015
The past few days have been snowy and busy. The combination conspired to keep me locked up in the house, and I needed to get out.
CSX and NS around Baltimore: February 2014
Still excited with my new lens, I decided to head out on Presidents Day to see what I could see.
February 2014 Trip To Harrisburg
My new camera hardware re-energized my desire to go out and railfan. It’s amazing the difference a single lens will have, but the sharpness of the stuff I was shooting now really made me want to go out and shoot more. So, with that in mind, I rounded up the troops: my friends Steve, Sean and Chris and Chris’s daughter (who is actually way better of a railfan companion than some adults I’ve met) and headed off to Harrisburg for a day out in the snow.